Exploring the Exciting Updates in Magento eCommerce Development 2.4.6

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  • Exploring the Exciting Updates in Magento eCommerce Development 2.4.6
Magento eCommerce Development

Magento 2.4.6, the latest release of the popular eCommerce platform, has brought many exciting updates and enhancements. This version stands out not only for its significant changes but also for its community involvement in shaping the core features. This blog will delve into the critical highlights of Magento eCommerce Development 2.4.6. It will explore the advancements that make it a significant release for developers, merchants, and system integrators.

Community Involvement and PHP 8 Support

Magento eCommerce development 2.4.6 marks a milestone in community engagement. It is the first release to incorporate the Magento Open Source Community Prioritization Process. Through voting on issues, the community had a say in determining the features included in the core code.

PHP 8 Support

One aspect that stands out in Magento’s rollout of PHP 8 support is its meticulous planning. The journey towards PHP 8 compatibility began with Magento 2.4.4, the first version to support PHP 8.1. However, Magento ensured backward compatibility with PHP 7.4, meaning developers and system integrators could migrate to PHP 8 without updating their code immediately. This gradual transition provided a smooth migration path and minimized disruptions for existing installations.

Magento 2.0.0 PHP 8 Compatibility Checker

If you still need help with an older version of PHP, tools are available to assist with the upgrade process. For example, the Magento 2.0.0 PHP 8 Compatibility Checker module developed by Algentos on GitHub can analyze your site. It can identify which third-party modules are compatible with specific versions of PHP. This valuable resource can simplify identifying potential compatibility issues before upgrading.

Updated Libraries and Search Engine

In addition to the PHP updates, Magento eCommerce development 2.4.6 upgrades various third-party libraries. Magento has updated libraries to the latest versions compatible with PHP 8.2. Notably, they have removed Composer 1 support as Composer has transitioned to version 2.

Furthermore, OpenSearch has become an officially supported search engine. It now serves as the default catalog search engine for both Magento and Adobe Commerce due to licensing restrictions with Elasticsearch. Redis, Elasticsearch, and MariaDB have also received updates to newer versions. This ensures backward compatibility with previous versions and enhances the overall performance and functionality of the Magento platform.

Developer-Friendly Enhancements

Developers will be pleased to know that Magento eCommerce development 2.4.6 brings several updates that enhance their workflow. First, jQuery Migrate was the first to go, ending the console’s annoying and unnecessary warning messages. Additionally, merchants can specify a custom external SMT (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) provider. It eliminates the need for previously required third-party modules for sending emails via a custom SMTP service.

New Media Gallery

Magento introduced a new media gallery, which was introduced in Magento 2.4.5 but had a bug preventing it from being set as the default media gallery. This issue has been resolved in version 2.4.6, making the new media gallery the default option. Moreover, the Page Builder now features a convenient drag-and-drop feature for bulk importing images into the gallery, saving considerable time and effort.

Enhanced GraphQL

Significant enhancements to the GraphQL layer resulted in improved performance. It is essential as more merchants build or migrate to headless storefronts, where efficient and fast data retrieval is crucial.

Performance Optimizations

Magento eCommerce development 2.4.6 significantly improves performance for stores with extensive and nested category structures.

Category Tree

Magento has optimized the rendering process of the category tree, resulting in faster loading times and improved caching. The CategoryList query can handle a large number of categories efficiently. In contrast, refactoring code related to loading category children eliminates unnecessary method calls and enables recursive loading of category data. These enhancements benefit stores with thousands of categories, offering a smoother browsing experience for customers.

Bulk Cart Operations

In addition to category improvements, bulk cart operations are optimized. When you add 500 or more products to the shopping cart, there are enhanced query response times. This optimization speeds up the overall cart management process, ensuring a seamless and efficient shopping experience for customers with extensive product quantities.

Smooth Navigation with Configuration of Product Grid

Magento eCommerce development 2.4.6 introduces a notable scalability feature through a new System Config setting. This setting allows merchants to limit the number of products displayed in a product grid, with a default limit of 20,000 products. This limitation applies to product collections within UI components and dramatically enhances the performance of grids that contain more than 200,000 products. This scalability improvement ensures smooth navigation and management of extensive product catalogs.

Order Processing

Furthermore, the order processing capabilities of Adobe Commerce have received substantial enhancements. Through a custom database load balancing configuration utilizing secondary read replicas for both MySQL and Redis database instances, an instance of Commerce 2.4.6 on Adobe’s cloud architecture can process an impressive volume of simultaneous orders.

With the ability to handle up to 1,000 orders per minute (15 orders per second), this scalability improvement is particularly beneficial for merchants dealing with high order volumes during events like Black Friday. While this configuration is available in Commerce Cloud, self-hosted servers can implement similar setups with additional configuration adjustments.

Bug Fixes, Security Updates, and Accessibility Enhancements

Magento eCommerce development, 2.4.6, has many bug fixes, updates, and improvements, making it a substantial release with over 300 addressed issues. The comprehensive release notes provide detailed information, although reviewing them may take some time. Notably, Magento has backported eight significant security updates to versions 2.4.5 and 2.4.4, including enhancements to admin action logs for improved auditing and confirmation requirements for changes to admin user email addresses.

Screen Reader and Keyboard Input

Accessibility has received attention in Magento eCommerce development 2.4.6, driven by upcoming EU regulations set to take effect in 2025. Several screen reader improvements and keyboard input updates within the checkout workflow and page controls ensure compliance and a better user experience for all customers. Specific updates include the resolution of reCAPTCHA validation during checkout when a payment fails and enabling customers who exceed the maximum number of login attempts to log in after a password reset.

Caching and Indexing

The release addresses various bug fixes in caching and indexing. Previously, clearing the full-page cache for a particular category after creating a shipment for any order caused unnecessary cache flushes. With the update, the store clearing happens when an ordered product from the related category is out of stock. Additionally, the price indexer no longer removes outdated records before replacing them, eliminating temporary product disappearances from storefronts.

Increased Transparency

Magento developers have improved the display of out-of-stock products, ensuring they show as expected on the storefront. Furthermore, Adobe Commerce had undergone eight private beta releases before the final GA version was tagged. Adobe has announced that all future Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source releases will be public. This shift towards increased transparency and community involvement will yield positive outcomes, enabling users to provide feedback, contribute fixes, and enhance the core code.


Magento eCommerce development 2.4.6 represents a significant release that brings numerous updates and improvements to the Magento ecosystem. The community’s involvement in shaping the core features highlights the commitment to inclusivity and collaboration. With enhanced PHP 8 support, updated libraries, improved developer tools, and performance optimizations, this release empowers developers, merchants, and system integrators to create robust and scalable eCommerce solutions.

Moreover, the bug fixes, security updates, and accessibility enhancements ensure a more stable and compliant platform. Magento eCommerce development 2.4.6 sets the stage for a future of innovation and growth within the Magento community.

For assistance and expertise with Magento, including its latest version, 2.4.6, you can rely on the experienced professionals at VserveeCommerce. They are qualified to provide guidance and support for all your Magento needs.

This blog is inspired by the video ‘What’s New In Magento 2.4.6’ by ‘Mark Shust.’