Choose Between WooCommerce, BigCommerce & Shopify Store Development

WooCommerce, Shopify,or BigCommerce

Ecommerce has become a booming industry, and choosing the right platform for your online store is crucial for success. With so many options available, it can be difficult to decide which platform is the best fit for your business. In this blog, we will compare three popular e-commerce platforms: Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, based on the main factors.

Comparison of Key Features

1. Usability

When it comes to usability, each platform has its strengths and weaknesses.

Shopify is known for being the easiest to set up, with a user-friendly interface and minimal customization options. Shopify store development may be the best choice for beginners who prefer a simple setup process. It offers beautiful pre-designed themes that require minimal effort to set up. Additionally, Shopify does not require regular updates, reducing the risk of code conflicts between different plugins.

BigCommerce is slightly more complex but offers more customization options compared to Shopify store development. While the WooCommerce, being an open-source platform, requires more time to set up. But, it provides a solid base for extensive customization opportunities. However, suppose you are planning to invest time learning and customizing your online store. In that case, WooCommerce may be the better option, as it offers many design and customization opportunities.

2. Security

Security is a critical factor to consider when choosing an e-commerce platform. All three platforms: Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, offer SSL certificates to protect customer data during online transactions.

Shopify store development provides a free SSL certificate. BigCommerce offers it as an add-on, and WooCommerce’s availability depends on the web host. In terms of protecting your online store from malware attacks, each platform has its own security measures.

BigCommerce and Shopify store development offer built-in security features. BigCommerce also provides free security with its subscription. Meanwhile, WooCommerce, being an open-source platform, allows you to install third-party security plugins. These plugins offer advanced firewall protection against malware.

3. Customer Support

Customer support is also crucial to ensuring the security of your online store. All three platforms provide 24/7 customer support, although their effectiveness may vary based on user reviews and ratings. It’s essential to research and choose the platform that offers reliable customer support to promptly address any security concerns.

4. Functionality

The functionality of an e-commerce platform is crucial for running a successful online store. Payment processing, refunds, shipping, and integrations with third-party plugins are essential features to consider.

Shopify store development offers a built-in payment gateway called Shopify Payments. It does not charge transaction fees but has standard card payment processing fees. Shopify store development sends a link to customers to retrieve their abandoned carts without re-entering their details. BigCommerce requires plugins for payment processing, which may involve transaction fees. One notable feature offered by BigCommerce is its built-in abandoned cart recovery tool, which sends emails to customers about their abandoned carts.

WooCommerce requires using the payment plugins’ dashboard for payment processing. WooCommerce does not have an abandoned cart recovery tool feature by default and requires using third-party plugins, which may have a learning curve.

In terms of refunds, all three platforms allow initiating refunds within their dashboards. When it comes to international shipping, all three platforms provide options to customize shipping settings based on location and weight. However, it’s essential to do research and choose the platform that best meets your international shipping requirements.

5. Integrations

When it comes to integrations, WooCommerce development has a clear advantage with its whopping 75,000 plugins and extensions, thanks to being an open-source platform. This makes it highly customizable and flexible to suit your unique business requirements.

BigCommerce and Shopify store development offer fewer options, with BigCommerce having decent plugins but fewer in number than WooCommerce. With around 3,200 apps, Shopify store development has the fewest integration options among the three platforms.

6. Customer Experience

In terms of customer experience, WooCommerce development provides more opportunities for customization, especially as your customer base grows. Its vast plugin ecosystem allows you to tailor your store to suit your customers’ preferences. For instance, you can easily customize your checkout page to match your customers’ preferred style.

BigCommerce and Shopify, on the other hand, may not have all the plugins you need, making WooCommerce a better option for businesses that value the customer experience and are tech-savvy.

7. Pricing

When it comes to pricing, BigCommerce is the most expensive option, with plans starting at $864 per year for the most popular plan. An automatic upgrade to a higher-priced plan occurs if your sales exceed $180,000 per year. While the Shopify’s basic plan starts at $168 per year or $40 per month.

Lastly, as for WooCommerce, it can be set up for as little as $70 per year for basic hosting and domain costs, making it the most cost-effective option on the surface. However, the overall pricing depends on factors such as hosting quality and domain demand, making it subjective.

8. Customization Potential

BigCommerce strikes a balance between decent built-in features and an intuitive platform, making it suitable for businesses of different sizes. WooCommerce offers the most customization potential among the three platforms, making it suitable for businesses that require unique functionality or have rapid growth plans. However, it also requires effort and time to set up and manage. Shopify store development, on the other hand, offers convenience and ease of use, making it ideal for small businesses or one-man operations.


WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce offer different advantages and are suitable for different types of businesses.

WooCommerce development leads the pack in terms of customization potential and integrations, making it ideal for businesses that require flexibility and scalability. Shopify store development offers convenience and simplicity, making it suitable for small businesses or one-man operations. BigCommerce offers built-in features and an intuitive platform, making it a good choice for businesses of different sizes.

Ultimately, the best platform for your online store depends on your specific requirements and budget. Do your research, consider your business needs, and choose the platform that aligns with your goals and resources.

Unleash the full potential of your online business with Vserve’s team of BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and Shopify experts. Our top-notch ecommerce services empower you to grow your company exactly as you envision, offering you the flexibility and agility to scale your business to new heights.

This engaging blog finds its inspiration in an insightful YouTube video titled Best Ecommerce Platform? Shopify vs WooCommerce vs BigCommerce.