9 Mistakes to Avoid While Setting Up Your Shopify Store

Shopify Store Development

Shopify has emerged as a leading e-commerce platform, offering a user-friendly experience and powerful features. This blog post will delve into using Shopify effectively while highlighting nine common mistakes to avoid during the store setup process.

1. Over-Designing: Simplicity is Key

One of the most prevalent mistakes is over-designing the website during Shopify store development. While an aesthetically pleasing design is essential, it should not compromise usability. Opt for default themes familiar to users and focus on making your website navigation-friendly. Remember, users want a seamless experience and don’t want to spend time learning how to use your site.

2. Slow Site Speed: Optimize for Performance

Website speed plays a crucial role in user experience and conversion rates. Utilize tools like Google Speed Test or GTmetrix to measure and enhance your site’s loading time. Shopify provides fast standard templates, ensuring your website performs well. Avoid adding excessive apps during Shopify store development that may slow down your site and negatively impact sales.

3. Poor Product Imagery: Your Images Should Tell Your Product Story

Visuals play a significant role in enticing customers. Invest in high-quality product images for your Shopify store development that showcases the product in the best possible way. Highlight its features, functionality, and close-ups of relevant details during Shopify store development. Use good lighting and avoid over-editing photos. You can conduct a Shopify development agency to conduct a professional photo shoot to elevate a website’s visual appeal and professionalism.

4. Keep Your Content Copy Simple and Customer-Centric

Crafting compelling copy during Shopify store development is essential to convey the value of your products. Utilize direct response copy that communicates what you can do for your customers. Make it conversational, easily digestible, and avoid jargon or complex words. Remember, the goal is to ensure your message reaches your target audience and motivates them to act.

5. Lack of Social Proof: Build Trust

Social proof is a powerful tool many Shopify development companies use to establish trust with potential customers. Incorporate reviews, customer feedback, and endorsements from publications to create credibility and reliability. Using these elements during Shopify store development will reassure users that your store is legitimate and trustworthy. Prioritize collecting genuine reviews and testimonials to enhance your store’s reputation.

6. Unclear Shipping Information: Be Transparent About Costs

Transparency in shipping information is crucial to managing customer expectations. On the product pages, communicate shipping details during Shopify store development, including duration and cost. Whether it’s free shipping or specific delivery options, ensure this information is easily accessible. Transparent shipping details instill confidence in customers and reduce cart abandonment.

7. Inadequate Customer Service Information: Establish Accessibility

Make your customer service information readily available to instill trust and confidence. Provide a clear point of contact, such as a phone number or email, and create a Contact Us page. Consider using an FAQ section on the product page to address common queries and concerns. Easy accessibility to customer service enhances the overall user experience.

8. Neglecting Mobile-First Design: Optimize for Mobile Users

Mobile commerce is rapidly growing, and it’s vital to prioritize mobile users. You must ensure that your website is optimized for mobile phones, as a significant portion of the traffic could come from mobile users. A Shopify agency will utilize Shopify’s mobile editor or design the website with a mobile-first approach. Ignoring mobile functionality can result in lost opportunities and potential customers.

9. Insufficient Product Promotion: Sell the Benefits

Promote your products by highlighting their features and benefits during Shopify store development. Utilize various methods such as imagery, gifs, and compelling copy to entice customers. Showcase how your products solve customers’ problems or fulfill their desires. Experiment with different strategies through split testing and conversion rate optimization to continuously improve your sales messaging.


Building a successful online store on Shopify requires careful consideration and avoidance of common mistakes. You can engage your visitors effectively by prioritizing usability, optimizing performance, showcasing quality imagery, and crafting customer-centric copy during Shopify store development.

If you’re seeking assistance with your Shopify store development, look no further than Vserveecommerce. Our team of experts is well-equipped to provide comprehensive support and guidance to enhance your online store. From design and customization to optimization and growth strategies, Vserveecommerce can help you maximize the potential of your Shopify store. Contact Vserveecommerce today!

This blog is inspired by the video, ‘SHOPIFY TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNERS 2023: 9 MISTAKES TO AVOID’ by ‘Davie Fogarty.’